Refreshing Orange Slice by Pink Sherbet Photography on flickr

Rx – Part 2

It’s been more than a week since I last wrote here on this blog. Here’s what my wellness coach, Mizel, had to say after presenting her with my food diary for the week:

1) No to fruit shakes and fruit juices (I broke this rule twice already. I had avocado shake with no milk and sugar with my colleague and Jamba Juice’s Berry Upbeet fruit and veggie smoothie with my mother)

2) Eat red beans – soak for 24 hours in water; source of protein along with egg and spinach

3) No desserts like cake or fruits in can or candies (except for 1 piece or slice of fruit)

4) No salted peanuts – just nuts – (I already broke this one with having it hard to find raw unsalted nuts in the groceries nowadays)

P.S. I already lost an inch in my waistline from 40 to 39. 😀